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School Activities and Clubs

Leadership (4&5 Grade Students, must apply in the fall):
Leadership students will play an important role for the students of Golden View Elementary. Students will help increase student involvement in school-wide activities and decision making during the school year for the benefit of the faculty, students, and community. Students are expected to be a positive leader in our school community. Members of the Leadership will help with school spirit activities, promote involvement in community service projects, and assist with other projects. Depending on what activities are going on, we may need to meet weekly, or during school hours.

Leadership (4&5 Grade Students, must apply in the fall):
Leadership students will play an important role for the students of Golden View Elementary. Students will help increase student involvement in school-wide activities and decision making during the school year for the benefit of the faculty, students, and community. Students are expected to be a positive leader in our school community. Members of the Leadership will help with school spirit activities, promote involvement in community service projects, and assist with other projects. Depending on what activities are going on, we may need to meet weekly, or during school hours.

Prism Club 4&5 Grades:
This student-run club (with our counselor and two teachers as the advisor) provides a safe and supportive place for LGBTQ+ students and allies to create a community. At the elementary school level, this club can touch on topics of family, identity, and respect. 

Prism Club 4&5 Grades:
This student-run club (with our counselor and two teachers as the advisor) provides a safe and supportive place for LGBTQ+ students and allies to create a community. At the elementary school level, this club can touch on topics of family, identity, and respect.